Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Amazing and Inspirational Tara Winkler

So I have decided it is about time I wrote something positive. I mean, not all youth bug me. Some, but not all. I would like to share with you a wonderful story about an inspirational young girl.
Tara Winkler discovered, on a trip to Cambodia, that the children in the local Battambang orphanage were being subjected to appalling abuse and neglect at the hands of the corrupt orphanage director. At just 21 years of age she left her home in Vaucluse and her bright future in the film industry to open the Cambodian Children’s Trust, or CCT, and immediately became responsible for the lives of 14 children. The children, together with many other children and families in Battambang now live under the protection of the CCT at the special complex Tara began. The children all attend good schools and are learning to break the cycle of abuse and poverty- some of the children are even studying to become lawyers and doctors.

Tara plans to spend five years and $2 Million developing the new orphanage into a self-sustaining eco-village. She has learned to speak the local language fluently, and is developing key relationships with Cambodian authorities with a mind to improving the situation in her new home town.
Tara is one of the 2010 NSW Young Australians of the year, and is in the running for Young Australian of the year- the winner of which will be announced on Australia Day 2011.
For more information about Tara and her cause visit the CCT website.

Related Articles
Children of a Lesser God - a must watch!
Australian of the Year Awards 2011

Here are some RSS feeds that I am following, a few of which have featured Tara.
Perth Now.
Prospero World
Swan Libraries 2.0 Blogspot
Libaries Interact
Powerhouse Museum
Australian Genealogy Journeys


  1. Wow, an amazing inspirational young lady. How wonderful that at such a young age Tara has managed to make a difference to so many lives. Thank you for sharing this, I will read more.... and when I have dried my eyes will watch the video on Jendar, sad tragic loss.

  2. Thankyou! I have watched the video on Jendar, it is so incredibly sad. Make sure you have a box of tissues on hand.

  3. Such a great effort by Tara. Really amazing girl

  4. Thank you for sharing the information about Tara - an amazing woman who put others' needs before her own.
